Cy breaks a wing, but reason remains unknown
Photo: Gene Pavelko/Iowa State Daily
Cy walks on the field and pumps up the crowd before the start of the Iowa vs. Iowa State game on Saturday, Sept. 10. Reports claim that Cy was allegedly pushed at the game against UConn on Friday resulting in the mascot’s broken arm.
September 19, 2011
Cy the mascot just can’t seem to stay away from the limelight.
The ISU mascot, who is currently entered in the Capital One Mascot Challenge — a competition in which fans were caught for illegally voting for Cy — also was involved in some controversy over the weekend.
While the facts are still unclear, what is known is that Zane Brugenhemke, who was the student inside the Cy costume, broke his arm after falling down steps at Rentschler Field during Iowa State’s 24-20 victory against Connecticut on Friday.
How exactly Brugenhemke fell is what is in dispute. One account says that Brugenhemke, in the costume, tripped and fell, breaking both bones in his left forearm. Another account claims he was pushed by a UConn fan.
“The police determined there was no physical altercation tied to the event and no charges were filed,” UConn athletic department spokesman Mike Enright told the Hartford Courant. “Instead, it was determined that the injuries were caused when the student in the mascot costume tripped down the stairs. These facts were confirmed by the student mascot in an interview with police.”
That account was contradicted by Brugenhemke on his Facebook account following the game, saying, “Fan pushed me out of the stands … eight foot drop onto concrete.” When asked by the Daily, Brugenhemke declined comment on the matter.
Further contrary to the official UConn statement, a fan who claims to have witnessed the incident also took to social media to give his account as to what happened.
Scott McDonough, of Urbandale, tweeted with his @MacFloyd44 account to a member of the media that “there is so much wrong with official statement…” and that “Cy did not trip down stairs. He was pushed off opposite side of stairs…off the edge. We have picture w cy where he landed.” McDonough could not be reached for comment.
When contacted by the Daily, Enright defended the official UConn statement, saying both UConn and ISU officials were content with the initial investigation at the scene.
“ISU [officials] were pleased with the findings of the police,” Enright said.
Charges were not filed initally following the incident by Brugenhemke or any other party, so no official investigation beyond what happened at the scene has yet to take place.
Check back to for more information as it’s available.