ClubFest provides students opportunity to join clubs

Several hundred students pass through the Great Hall of the Memorial Union on Thursday, Sept. 7, at ClubFest. Iowa State has more than 800 clubs and organizations to get involved in on its campus. 

Caroline Havekost

Approximately 283 clubs were represented at ClubFest.

“There are a lot more clubs than I thought there were,” said Beth Pleggenkuhle, freshman in agricultural business. “I am excited to join and learn more.”

Lauren Sandstrom, graduate student in educational leadership and policy studies, was one of two ClubFest organizers this semester.

“My work started in the spring with organizing but intensified in August,” Sandstrom said.

Students had many different options when choosing a club or organization to join.

Clubs ranged from major-oriented to different styles of dancing and different sports clubs like Water Polo Club and Volleyball Club.

There were clubs for every major and interest.

“I came to see more, get involved, and to meet new people,” said Andrea Brown, open-option freshman.

Kayla Romoser, freshman in family and consumer science education and studies, said she attended ClubFest for the same reason.

“Today I joined a couple different clubs; I want to get more involved,” Romoser said.

ClubFest also is a way clubs and organizations can gain and inform students of the new changes the club has made.

MODA, Iowa State’s fashion club, is revamping this year.

Amy Soma, MODA vice president and sophomore in apparel, merchandising and design, said they will be adding new activities and events to the club this year.

“This year we will be more fashion-focused,” Soma said.

New clubs and organizations were able to gain more attention and new members at ClubFest. Students Helping Our Peers was created last semester.

The SHOP helps ISU students in need with food assistance. Students can go to the food pantry set up by The SHOP, show their student ID and receive food.

The SHOP food pantry is located on Iowa State’s campus and is run completely by volunteers and donations.