Editorial: Remember Labor Day and celebrate it fully

Editorial Board

Students of Iowa State unite! For too long we’ve been held under the oppression of bourgeois capitalists, for too long we’ve been stripped of our labor, for too long we’ve been treated as the cogs of a machine. We’re devoured like meat, hurled into the grinder of capitalism to feed the gluttons of society. This weekend, we stand and remember the laborers, students and middle class of the world. This weekend, we stand united, to gain our liberty.

Capitalist professors, slum lords and bourgeoisie have all enslaved us. We pay our own sustenance to them, and they alienate us. We are no longer the masters of our own being, but automations of their desire. We do their research, take out their trash and build their luxuries. We continue to do all their labor while they rest upon our backs. They reduce us to whores; we sell our bodies and minds for $7.25 an hour, if that! We pay them to pimp us around for their profit. While we starve, they eat our dollar.

How much have we contributed to our own confusion? Tuition is a chain, and how we’ve bonded ourselves behind it! Down with Beardshear, down with Ames, from the ashes of this world we will create our own! How confused our class has become! What an elaborate trick of their fabrication, to trap us in a grave of suppression.

No leisure, no liberty and no justice; we drudge through work scantily able to feed our broken bodies. Our abased souls struggle for a gasp of air. We break ourselves and indebt ourselves into graves which we continue to dig, only so they can continue their ascendance above us. Enough! Students, we are strong slaves to a decadent, enfeebled master.

Sulking in their ivory towers, sleeping in their mansions, and enjoying in their luxuries, they are frail. They have grown fat from the loins of our labor. Now is the time to slaughter them like the gluttonous hogs they are! We have done more than our fair share, and we’ve supported the entirety of such lazy swine! It is time to grind them into the very slop they feed us! It is time to reclaim our mastery, to demand our position and the profits of our earning.

This Labor Day exclaims, “No more!” This day belongs to a new class who calls for an end to their repression. This Labor Day, we reclaim our work, we demand our rights and we stand as equals. This Labor Day, the proletariat will reign in the making of a new world. Let us exterminate bourgeois capitalists and extirpate the croupier intellectuals. Students of Iowa State, unite!