Get to know Sizzlin’ Cabana

Katherine Klingseis

Sizzlin’ Cabana, 2540 Lincoln Way

Austin Moody, manager

How does business in the summer compare with business in the fall?

“The drop in business isn’t as big at our West Ames location, but at this location you can tell the difference.”

“There are no lines for tanning beds.”

How do you prepare for the arrival of students in the fall?

“We spend our down time preparing — changing bulbs, doing maintenance, remodeling.”

“Personally, I try to think of new ways to advertise and market the business.”

What is your favorite thing about the arrival of students?

“There’s excitement — a whole new energy.”

“Many students come in at the beginning of the school year looking for help with keeping their summer tan.”

What are some challenges you face with the arrival of students?

“It’s challenging for one person to deal with the large crowds we sometimes get.”

“It’s less overwhelming than it is joyful.”

“There’s also more laundry.”