Editorial: If only the NFL deal had failed

Editorial Board

NFL football is back on. Hooray for sports fans and armchair quarterbacks everywhere! Right?

Well, maybe it is a nice thing for most of your Sunday football fans, but for some, the NFL deal isn’t all that appealing.

For some folks out there, the idea of no NFL had us excited that attention might be centered on the collegiate level this fall.

Yes, this would make for a lack of the big, showy stars. But it would really give the opportunity to showcase some of the up-and-coming talent that might be making its way into  the NFL in the future.

If the NFL lockout had continued, maybe everyone would have had to focus on all of those amazing college games that sports fans find themselves enjoying anyway.

This could have allowed for a bit of a much-needed bump to college funding, as well as the chance to change where support for play style sits. With focus on only those rough-around-the-edges players working the college beat, which means not getting millions of dollars to get their heads beaten in, maybe fans could have regained an appreciation for the game that has fallen to the wayside over the years.

Better yet, maybe the bigger stars would have started to pay attention to more of the beauty of the game, rather than the big checks they cash — almost like the idealized dream in the movie “BASEketball.”

But it was all just a dream, a little hope that crashed at the end. And so, NFL football will reign supreme come fall. But maybe, just maybe, folks out there will become caught up in the college-level game and remember a bit of the beauty of hitting the field without players having bookoo bucks backing them.