Excessive heat watch issued through Friday

Daily Staff

The National Weather Service has issued an excessive heat watch for the area until Friday morning.

According to the watch, temperatures are expected to reach the mid to upper 90s with heat indices in the 105-100 degree range on Thursday afternoon.

The alert also states that temperatures will remain hot and humid during the overnight hours. The peak period of concern will be 1-8 p.m. Thursday.

The weather service advises that people who work outside or exercise outdoors should avoid be especially cautious or avoid the peak heating hours of the day.

“An excessive heat watch means that a prolonged period of hot temperatures are expected,” the watch said. “The combination of hot temperatures and high humidity will combine to create a dangerous situation in which heat illnesses are possible. Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors.”