Letter: Protect rivers and streams from chemicals with political action

On June 2, the New York Times published an article titled “Chemicals in Farm Runoff Rattle States on the Mississippi.” This article outlined how farm runoff from states in the Mississippi River basin are creating a “dead zone” in the Gulf of Mexico. This dead zone grows larger every year due to more chemicals that run into waterways being used on fields. The aforementioned article cited the U.S. Geological Survey’s finding that nine states along the Mississippi contribute 75 percent of the nitrogen and phosphorus in waterways. Iowa is a major agriculture state along the Mississippi and is a large contributor to this problem.

We have the chance to begin correcting this problem this summer. The Enviromental Protection Agency has the chance to restore the Clean Water Act. By restoring it, the agency can ensure water gets the level of protection it was afforded 10 years ago. The reinstatment of this act would protect more of our rivers and streams from farm runoff, thus lessening the amount of chemicals that could make it to the Gulf of Mexico. Everyone should show support for this issue by contacting their elected officials and letting them know they want the Clean Water Act restored.