5 ways to become involved in engineering

Jessica Johnson

We all know Iowa State is a hub for engineering students. To make yourself stand out, here are five ideas on getting involved in the College of Engineering.

1. Go greek. Going greek is a great way to meet new faces instantly, find a circle of friends, make connections, find out about scholarships and many other leadership opportunities. There are several greek honor societies within the College of Engineering. Not only does it look good to employers, you will meet a niche of students who have the same passion as you. Go to http://sodb.stuorg.iastate.edu/search.php to see all the clubs along with the honors societies offered.

2. Join an engineering club in your area of study. Joining a club will gain you experience and real-world exposure. There are many different clubs within the engineering college at Iowa State. Joining a club in your major helps you connect with other students who share similar interests. Clubs offer guest speakers, field trips and real-world applications relating school and interest to what is happening outside college. Ask your adviser for more information or go to http://sodb.stuorg.iastate.edu/search.php website.

3. Find volunteer opportunities within the College of Engineering. Service projects not only help others in need but allows you to meet new friends, build connections and get some community service in.

4. Join a leadership group such as Freshman Leaders in Engineering, The Engineering Ambassador and Mentor Program or Engineering Student Council. Issues students face as part of these leadership organizations will encourage strong performance in real life tasks. Running for an officer position offers learning experience for undergraduates who seek leadership opportunities.

5. Consider volunteering as a TA or tutor for younger undergraduates. Offer your knowledge and experiences in engineering as tool for younger students to grow. Demonstrating your understanding and competence in your schooling will certainly better yourself.