SUB brings entertainment to ISU campus

Cole Komma

The Student Union Board is a student run organization dedicated to bringing the students of Iowa State entertainment throughout the year. SUB is responsible for planning the late night movies, musical acts, comedians and lecturers. Most of the events are hosted in the Memorial Union and are free. For new students, it’s a great way to meet people, experience campus nightlife and discover new things.

SUB films: Almost every week, SUB shows movies on campus if it is nice out or in the Sun Room of the Memorial Union if the weather forbids the outside endeavor. Movies range from comedies to action films. Definitely a way to spend a night. 

Music: SUB is also responsible for booking the musical acts that roll through. They book for VEISHEA and the Maintenance Shop. Acts are varied in price and genre. Also a great way to spend your night and get your groove in if you’re so inclined.

Comedians: Throughout the year SUB brings comedians to Iowa State. Get your giggle on as you hang out with your new friends and experience some great comedy. These are also free.

Lectures: Also at various times during the year, SUB offers guest speakers to the public. If you want to hangout and learn a little something as well, this is your thing.