Multicultural resources help students through first year

Katherine Marcheski

First year students on campus have so many new things to choose from. Where to eat, where to live, what classes to take, and what to get invovled with.

Along with club involvement all students should know extra resources on campus for their success of the school year and personal well being.

The Sloss House Women’s Center is a welcoming place for all students no matter their intention of stopping by.

“Students can come into the house for whatever they like. The first floor is all for their use, to cook, hangout, or study. There are also computers and lockers for personal use,” said Penny Rice, director of the Sloss House.

The house is located on Central Campus next to Curtiss Hall.

The Sloss House services to students, staff, and faculty and help with issues across a broad range but mostly deal with women, sexuality and gender.

“We also have many volunteer opportunities and events we host each year,” Rice said.

Most popular are Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Domestic Abuse Awareness Month and the “Vagina Monologues.”

“The house is a great place for meetings for students, we have book clubs here too. People can just come to hang out, it’s a safe place on campus, and a good study spot,” Rice said.

The House is a very welcoming and comfortable place, filled with open minded people.

Another important service on campus that students should be aware of is the Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Student Services office. The office is located in the Student Services building and is directed by Brad Friehoefer.

“It’s a great place to just drop in and visit, say hey, take a break, just hang out,” Freihoefer said.

The LGBTSS works in accordance with the LGBTAA, the alliance group on campus, and hosts events, groups, and a positive atmosphere for all students to have fun and feel comfortable in.

“There are a lot of resources here, and if a student ever needs anything, they can always come to me, and we can help work through whatever it is they need,” Freihoefer said. “This is a welcoming place, for LGBT and allies too. We can help get you to where you need to go.”

Freihoefer also said the coming out process is not easy, especially when a person is in a new environment, but the LGBTSS has services to help ease the students during the hard time.

“People are coming from all over the place, and we meet them where they are at, and will get them to where they need to be,” Freihoefer said.

The final multicultural student area on campus is the Multicultural Center located in the Memorial Union.

“It’s not a formal place, but it is a great hang out for students. Student groups can meet at the center. There are study rooms, a video phone, library, and a kitchenette,” said George Micalone, director of the Multicultural Center.

The Mulitcultural Center is for use by all students, not just those who are multicultural.

“The Mulitcultural Student Affairs department plans events, the center is more of a functional space. It is open to anybody and everybody and is great jsut to hang out,” Micalone said.