Top 5 facts about the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Katherine Klingseis

David Acker, associate dean of global agricultural programs, said new students to the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences should know the following five points about the college:

1. Study abroad. Acker said Iowa State has the second largest college of agriculture in the nation in terms of how many students study abroad each year. Acker said that studying abroad is important because agricultural is a global concern.

“The companies many [students] will work for will be global,” Acker said. “Those companies really want our students to have the cross-cultural experience, language experience and also the ability to adapt.”

2. 98 percent placement rate. Within three to six months of graduating from Iowa State’s College of Agriculture, 98 percent of students either are working or attending graduate school. Acker said Iowa State has the largest career fair of its kind in the nation.

“In terms of colleges of agricultural and life sciences, we are way ahead of the next largest career fair,” he said. “It’s a great way for students to meet companies, government employers, NGO’s and find out what are the career options either for summer internships or permanent placement.”

3. Close relationship between advisers and students. Acker said students have told him that they like the personal relationships they have with their advisers. He said that since the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences is smaller than many of the other colleges at Iowa State, advisors have fewer students.

“Our students tell us that one of the things they like about it is advisers are really the ones that teach the courses, advise the students, and help students look for positions.”

4. Science with Practice. The College of Agriculture sponsors a program called Science with Practice. The program offers students the opportunity to work and learn one-on-one with faculty and staff.

“They work, they learn, and they also earn money,” Acker said. “It’s a great package.”

5. Clubs. Agriculture students have many options when it comes to joining clubs. Acker said popular clubs are Block and Bridle — a club for students interested in animal science — and Agricultural Business Club — a club for students interested in agricultural business.

“Going to the clubs, partly it’s to learn something new, partly it’s social, and partly it allows students the opportunity to practice leadership skills.”.