Paying for college 101

Caroline Havekost

Cost is a huge factor for students when deciding to go to college. Iowa State has many different financial aid, loan, and scholarship options and the resources for new students to afford the cost of attending the University.

Financial Aid: Students can apply for financial aid by filing out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, better known as FAFSA.

This application must be filed every year in order for students to be considered for federal and institutional aid. The FAFSA application should be filed each year between Jan. 1 and March 1 in order for students to be considered.

Students can submit the application online for free. There is free help available and can also be found on the FAFSA website.

Student Loans: Iowa State also offers information on student loans. There are two different types of loans, subsidized and unsubsidized loans. A subsidized loan is awarded based on need; an unsubsidized loan charges interest from the benefiting of the loan until full repayment.

ScholarshipsMany different scholarships are available for incoming and currently enrolled students. The university offers many different scholarships based on interested major, academics and activities.

For more information: The Iowa State Financial Aid Office has many different resources for more information on financial aid, loans, and scholarships, as well as counselors available for specific questions.

Counselors in the financial aid office can discuss financial aid for the many different aspects of college life, including study abroad. The office is located in 210 Beardshear Hall. No appointment is necessary and the office is open during the summer every weekday from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.