Letter: ‘Racism is dead’ letter ignorant, insensitive

Your article titled “Racism is dead, let’s move on,” came off ignorant and insensitive. Although unsubstantiated accusations may help to keep racism alive, it is not the only factor fueling racism.

Plain and simple some people are just racists. If it were true that racism was dead then how would we categorize the women who called me a n***er because I couldn’t sell her a carton of milk? And just because we have a black president and black sports stars does not mean that racism still isn’t alive and well. Saying this is just like saying that because we had openly gay politicians like Annise Parker and Harvey Milk that homophobia must be dead. 

However, we know that this is not true because we always hear the stories about the victims of gay bashing and how some gay youth decided to take their own life instead of living with their close-minded tormentors.

Just because you may not hear about racism a lot does not mean that it does not exist. For you to basically say that racism is over and that people should just get over it is a slap in the face to individuals who have to live with racism everyday.