Letter: Gregg’s comment missed the point of Kruzic’s column

This letter is in regard to the comment posted in the Daily by Steve Gregg on April 28. He blasts the author Ahna Kruzic for “whining about how the world doesn’t conform to her beliefs” and in that statement he has totally missed the point her article was trying to make.

She has no problem with Victoria’s Secret making money from women, all she is asking them to do is bear the responsibility that it has to protect women in this culture from being stereotyped. We all know that in today’s culture the skinny model ideal is winning out and that is fine, people are allowed to have their own preference.

She only asks that they also put out the message that women are beautiful in all shapes and sizes; and sexy might not be putting on the tiniest pieces of lingerie.

As a society are we not responsible to hold those who dictate norms accountable or does Mr. Gregg just have a problem with plus size women getting respect from a clear flaw in our society. He should try re-reading the article because it is not about marketing product it is about empowering people and bettering society as a whole.

You just keep right on putting women down Mr. Gregg and labeling anyone who wishes to empower people a “liberal.” You are the one who seems to be whining.

Steve Gregg’s original comment:  

“Ahna Kruzic,

If you want a women’s wear store like the one you described, why don’t you open one and call it Ahna’s Lingerie instead of whining how the world doesn’t conform to your beliefs and badgering them to do so? Put your money where your mouth is.

The reason why Victoria’s Secret is so popular is that customers buy what they sell. The market is voting for Victoria’s Secret brand and everything it represents.

The annoying thing about liberals is their control freak nature. They’re always demanding somebody else conform to their view. They always want to place the burden on somebody else, not themselves. Take the burden upon yourself, Ahna. You’ve got a university full of young women to test your marketing concept. If you can’t sell it to them, the general market won’t buy it either. If you want to change the world, start with the girl in the mirror.”