Letter: Open letter to ISU President Geoffroy

Dear President Geoffroy,

I am writing to you today to make sure that you are aware of an incident that occurred during the Regents Day on the Hill on March 7. It came to my attention through a video [look to the 1:20 mark] that a student involved in Iowa State’s lobbying efforts made a vulgar gesture toward the governor. While people within the state capitol have certain protected rights of expression, this was undoubtedly a regrettable event.

I am confident that you, Iowa State and the Student Ambassadors do not condone such behavior, especially at such a time in our state and nation of increased efforts for civility in politics. That being said, this young man was acting as an ambassador of Iowa State, and was present at the capitol in an official, and taxpayer funded, capacity. Much has been made about the wisdom and appropriateness of the lobbying efforts, and reasonable people can disagree. That is not the intention of my e-mail.

It is my understanding however, that Iowa State and the people responsible for this event, and the delegates therein, have not taken responsibility for the disappointing action that this student took.

It is my concern that without condemning what happened and apologizing to the governor and to the people of Iowa, students and citizens will only see the calls for more civility as just another empty political gesture, devoid of action and good faith.

Iowa State is a respected institution and has much to offer this state, and failing to condemn the actions of this representative of Iowa State would undermine any efforts students make to influence the political process now, and into the future.

As a college student myself, I find it frustrating that this event is what elected officials will come away with from their interaction with students. It undermines your cause, and it undermines the effectiveness of student and/or youth lobbies on both sides of the aisle.

It is my sincere hope that Iowa State does the right thing and immediately apologizes for this event so that we can put it behind us.

I would like to put this matter to rest quietly, but quite frankly, the disrespect shown to our chapter at Iowa State has compelled me to make open and public this correspondence via my personal Facebook page, and the Iowa Federation of College Republicans website.