Editorial: Other causes need attention, too
Notre Dame de Paris in flames, view from the Quai des Augustins.
April 18, 2019
We can all agree that what happened to the Cathedral of Notre-Dame is a tragedy. This touristic structure that has stood for hundreds of years was damaged in a matter of minutes.
It’s understandable why people would do whatever is in their power to help contribute to the reconstruction of this beautiful piece of architecture. But why is it that our own government was quick to offer help to France in the reconstruction of Notre Dame but Flint, Michigan, hasn’t had clean water for the past five years?
Not to mention that it’s been over a year since a category five hurricane impacted Puerto Rico in one of the most life-changing ways, leaving part of the island as well as U.S territory without power.
This isn’t to say that the burning of Notre-Dame was any less impactful – it is impactful. But if you take a look at Flint, Michigan, people’s health and well-being are being put on hold for too long now.
What about those $77 million that were just donated to help the cause in Flint, you may ask? Although something is better than nothing, it is still estimated that about $300 million would still be needed over the next 20 years to help reach a full recovery.
In a matter of 24 hours after the fire of Notre-Dame 700 million euros (786,135,000 US dollars) were gathered in donations from around the world. These donations came from other places around the world, such as the Hungarian city of Szeged, Sanwi in southeastern Ivory Coast and many others. As of right now, $1 billion has been gathered for the rebuilding of Notre Dame.
Apple, among many other companies, like the Walt Disney Company and L’Oreal, have jumped to make contributions toward the reconstruction of the famous Notre Dame. Robert Iger, the CEO of Disney, tweeted out Tuesday that they would be donating $5 million toward the cause. Like Iger, Apple’s CEO Tim Cook mentioned in a tweet that Apple would be contributing to the cause as well. However, the exact amount remains unreported.
L’Oreal, which is a French company with headquarters in Paris, was one of Notre Dame’s biggest contributors next to CEO of LVMH, Bernard Arnault. Both donated 200 million euros, which is equivalent to $226 million.
Although all these donations are going toward a good cause, there are other issues just as bad, if not worse, that need to be given just as much attention and financial support. Some of the companies and people that donated to the rebuilding of Notre Dame didn’t bat an eye when catastrophes plagued their own people and country.