Dead Week art sale organized by students

Jacob Stewart

Students from the College of Design will be selling pottery, paintings and photographs to support the College of Design Art Club.

Since 1994, Ingrid Lilligren, director for art and design, has helped students sell their artwork at the end of each semester to raise funds for the club.

“The students receive 70 percent of the profits, and the other 30 percent goes to the club,” Lilligren said. “We usually make $1,500 to $2,000 during the sale. It’s a great entrepreneurial experience for the students.”

Lilligren stated that the 30 percent that goes to the club helps the school afford guest lecturers and visits from artists from around the country.

Lilligren donates to the sale as well, her contribution consists of art she creates while teaching.

Drake Tillis, senior in integrated studio arts, has been with the club for two years and is selling some of the pottery he created during this semester.

“All the artwork goes for a pretty fair price,” Tillis said. “Plus they make great Christmas presents.”

Jacob Marti, senior in integrated studio arts, has been president of the club since the beginning of the semester and organized this semester’s sale.

“It’s really all about the students,” Marti said. “It’s a college-wide sale, and it’s not just pottery or ceramics either, although ceramics is the main focus. Anyone can sell their art.”

The art sale lasts until Friday night, so if you need to do some last-minute Christmas shopping, or want to support local artists, stop by the College of Design lobby and browse the student-created art.