Senator Quirmbach’s past has proven worthy with support of environment, jobs

When I turned 21, I cast my first vote for Dwight Eisenhower as president of the U.S. My second presidential vote was for John Kennedy. On moving to Iowa, I voted for Robert Ray. I was not afraid to vote for Republicans.

But then, I endured Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George Herbert Bush, George W. Bush, and 16 years of Terry Branstad who abolished the Conservation Commission in favor of a politicized Department of Natural Resources.

The Republican Party since the years of Eisenhower and Ray has changed greatly.

Their campaigning this election year is the worst I have experienced. The GOP has become the party of greed, of lies and distortion, of extremists, of anti-science, of the elite and the rich, of homophobes, of corporate monopolies, of white supremacy, of intolerance, and the party against religious freedom, against protective regulation, and against good government. Never has our democracy been so threatened. Now, I am afraid.

The fault I find with the Democratic Party is that they have stooped too low to compromise with these radical so-called conservatives who walk in lockstep with talk-radio hacks.

I hope you will vote against these un-American despots who are out to take over our country and our freedom.

Vote for any and all Democrats, but especially in the upcoming senatorial election.

In 2001, Herman Quirmbach played a key role in helping coordinate the bond issue campaign that led to the establishment of Ada Hayden Heritage Park. The skills, knowledge and time that Herman contributed, is just one example of his commitment to work with others in order to accomplish important goals for the health of the community and the environment.

As a state senator he has continued to support legislation that benefits the state’s environment. In addition Herman believes Iowa must honor its commitment to education, provide human services to children, seniors, families, disabled, and others in need, and create quality jobs.

Herman Quirmbach is an experienced leader committed to quality of life in Iowa. Please vote to elect Herman Quirmbach for Senate.