Gay rights support addressed as Iowa midterm elections loom
Photo: Bryan Langfeldt/Iowa State Daily
PFLAG guest speaker Carolyn Jenison of One Iowa talks about gay and lesbian issues in the upcoming state mid-term election, Tuesday, Sept. 14 at Youth Services Shelter of Ames. Jenison encouraged all to vote intelligently on Nov. 3.
September 14, 2010
The Ames Chapter of Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays met to listen to Carolyn S. Jenison, executive director of One Iowa, and to discuss the importance of gay rights supporters voting as Iowa heads closer to midterm elections Tuesday.
One Iowa seeks to advocate for full equality in the rights of gays, lesbians, transgendered as well as bisexual individuals, Jenison said, including marriage rights.
One Iowa will continue to work with PFLAG to ensure these rights are met, she said.
As midterm elections loom closer, the two organizations aim to make sure legislators do not compromise gay marriage rights in the state of Iowa for fear of losing their jobs. Jenison said the primary goal of One Iowa is “for fair minded legislators returning who are committed to moving the state forward.”
PFLAG members work to overcome this unfortunate event by standing up and speaking out.
“The only way to protect gay marriage and people’s support for gay marriage is to continue to talk about it,” Jenison said. “People need to flip over the ballot and vote yes or no. They need to know why they are voting that way. When more straight allies stand up and announce their support of gay rights, this moves people. We can gain support through churches, communities, talking at the water cooler at work and, of course, meetings like this tonight.”
Jenison handed out brochures, pamphlets, bumper stickers, temporary tattoos, T-shirts, comic books and even absentee ballot requests for PFLAG members to give out and keep as they proclaim support.