Do’s and dont’s of interview fashion


Photo: Kelsey Kremer/Iowa State Daily

When interviewing for a job it is very important for students to consider what they are wearing. Don’t wear a tie when it should be a bow tie.

Amy Thompson


  • Don’t wear jorts. Ever.
  • Do own one nice suit.
  • Do leave the bedazzled T-shirts at home. They are fine for Jersey… but not Ames
  • Don’t wear brown shoes and black belt, vice versa
  • Do spritz yourselves with cologne or aftershave. Emphasis on the spritz.
  • Don’t have a no-shave September. Save it for November.
  • Don’t wear your pants lower than the area they were designed for.



  • Do keep the heels less than 5 inches. You are trying to get a career, not be a pro.
  • Don’t assume that your “going-out” clothes will be acceptable for an interview. What would your mother say?
  • Do keep the girls in check.
  • Don’t have a no-shave September. Save it for never.
  • Do a teeth check. Spinach in the teeth is very unfortunate. Not to mention embarrassing.


Moral of the story: Wear something sophisticated and professional. You want something that will get you noticed for the right reasons, like your awesome resume or strong networking skills.