Memorial Union staff works to fill vacant positions

John Lonsdale

Two vital positions on the Memorial Union staff remain unoccupied as the semester begins.

The MU currently does not have a marketing director or entertainment programs coordinator at the Maintenance Shop. Both positions include responsibilities linked to advising committees such as the Student Union Board and planning Veishea.

The MU staff is undergoing the early stages of the interviewing process consisting of an application review, phone interview and personal interview.

Director of the Memorial Union Richard Reynolds said, however, other staff members have pitched in to help fulfill the duties of the vacant positions in the time being.

“I am pleased to say that due to the team-oriented nature of the Memorial Union and Student Activities’ Center staff, we will make it through the transition,” Reynolds said. “Full-time staff, student graphic design staff and a student marketing intern have all picked up the most critical aspects of the marketing coordinator position.”

Reynolds continued, “Some duties of the position will not be fulfilled until a full-time replacement is found, but the most important aspects of the position will be performed in a business as usual fashion. One of the responsibilities of the position that could not be delegated easily to other staff is the Gold Star Hall Ceremony. [Former marketing director] Kathy Svec will work on a very limited basis to plan and produce this year’s program.”

The duties of the entertainment programs coordinator position are being filled by George Micalone, director of student activities and assistant director of the Memorial Union, and by relying on student staff who worked in the M-Shop under former entertainment programs coordinator, Steve Satterlee, until a qualified person is hired.

“Steve [Satterlee] reported to me when he was here, so I’m just filling in the immediate gaps with contracts and assisting students and booking events,” Micalone said. “Ideally we find the right candidate at the end of October or early November.”

Reynolds is positive about the transition for this school year and about the Memorial Union’s continued commitment to students and the ISU community.

“The full-time staff’s willingness to take on some of the responsibilities related to the entertainment programs coordinator’s position is again an example of their commitment and willingness to work as a team to fill the void until the position is filled,” he said. “This transition would not be as seamless were it not for the dedication of our full-time staff and the great student staff we have on board.”