Learn to manage time effectively right away

Paige Godden

In order to be a successful student on campus, the first thing a student must do is learn how to manage time.

The Academic Success Center, located at 1060 Hixson-Lied Student Success Center, provides academic consulting, intervention, supplemental instruction and tutoring services.

There are 10 principles of scheduling a student must follow in order to successfully plan a schedule, according to the center’s website:

First, make good use of daylight hours. In other words, study during the day.

Studies show that every hour used for studying during the day is equivalent to about an hour and a half of studying at night.

Study before a class that requires a lot of discussion or has frequent pop quizzes.

This keeps the material fresh on your mind, and you will be more alert and ready to participate.

In order to remember what you learned in class, study immediately after your lectures.

Make some time after class to fill in gaps in your notes and review what you just learned.

To make sure you don’t get behind, study at the same time every day, and plan enough time to study.

If you set aside a specific time during the day to study, it is easy to get in the habit of studying.

Don’t study for more than 50 to 90 minutes at a time — studying for longer that can be counterproductive.

Make sure to prioritize your work to ensure you have enough time for the subject you need to study for the most.

If you forget to make free time in your schedule, it will become difficult to follow and you might give up on it.

The Academic Success Center has two cardinal rules for students: always carry pocket work and keep a date book.

Make sure you make use of your free time and the time between your classes.

At the Academic Success Center website, students can find a time management assessment, which helps determine the best use of each student’s time.

The Success Center also provides tips on how to be a successful planner.

For example, start projects early. Even if you “work better under pressure,” give yourself plenty of time to at least begin your project.

Always remember to seek advice from others. Chances are, if you live in a dorm, and there are several other students around to make sure your spelling is correct.

Remember to be flexible; have a plan “B.”

The Academic Success Center has two more pieces of advice.

Make time for yourself. Learn to say “no” to others and “yes” to yourself.

The last bit of advice that you must not forget is that brushing your teeth is not fun, it’s necessary.