Join the Iowa State Daily

Welcome to Iowa State!

You’ve arrived at campus to become familiar with the setting and be a little more secure with life after high school.

There’s a lot to take in, campus is large and it is only getting bigger. College life is a new experience without parents and all your high school friends.

This orientation guide you hold in your hand will make this change a little easier.

The Iowa State Daily staff condensed the most important information you need to know about Iowa State and Ames into this handy guide – but I hope your relationship with the Daily doesn’t end there.

The Daily will be an important part of making your transition and finding out about what is going on around campus.

And while you’re not going to be around campus this summer, check us out online at for news, sports and to stay up to date on what’s new for when you return to campus for the school year.

For all things entertainment, there’s Or, if you’re looking for a place to eat, has you covered.

The Daily will produce more small niche websites having to deal with fashion, intramurals and club sports in the near future.

If you’re interested in working for the Daily, there is always an opening. Don’t think you just have to be a journalism or advertising major to work here – anyone can.

I joined the Daily more than three years ago as a features reporter. Now, I serve as the editor of the $1.5 million student publication.

There are people here from each of the seven colleges and we’ve had some great staff members come from across campus.

Anthony Capps

Summer editor-in-chief

Iowa State Daily