Carillon Festival brings Ireland to Iowa State

Daily Staff

The ISU Carillon Festival will be from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Saturday at various places on campus. This year’s guest carillonneur is Adrian Patrick Gebruers, from Cobh, Ireland. The festival will include carillon concerts, a seminar, Celtic dances and tours of the Campanile.

The event is free and open to the public. Lunch is available for purchase only through reservations.

For further information, contact the University Carillonneur at (515) 294-2911.

Schedule of Events:

10 – 11 a.m.: Seminar — Irish Carillon music with Adrian Gebruers, guest carillonneur, at Martha-Ellen Tye Recital Hall in Music Hall

11:15 a.m. – noon: Celtic dances by ISU Celtic Dance Society at Martha-Ellen Tye Recital Hall in Music Hall

Noon – 2 p.m.: Lunch in Music Hall lobby

1 p.m.: Performance of the winning composition of the 2009 Carillon Composition Competition, on Central Campus

2 – 2:45 p.m.: Carillon recital — program on Central Campus

3 – 4 p.m.: Campanile Tours on Central Campus

4 – 5 p.m.: Annual meeting of Society of Carillon Alumni and Friends at room 125 in Music Hall