Students must move vehicles

Daily Staff

Students and staff that park in the commuter lots or around Jack Trice Stadium will need to move their vehicles from the parking lots before Thursday in order to accommodate parking for Iowa State’s opening football game.

Cars in the lots after 11:59 p.m. Wednesday will be towed, according to a press release from the department of public safety.

Alternative parking is available in the K-Mart parking lot, 1405 Buckeye. Ave., on the east side lot along Buckeye Avenue. CyRide will be making stops at K-Mart every fifteen minutes from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Thursday, as part of the orange route, according to the release. Other parking locations include: Lot 29, located north of the Communications Building; Lot 29B, located on the west side of Stange Road across from Frederiksen Court; Memorial Union Parking Ramp, regular parking rates apply and general staff lots after 11 a.m.