Twitter mom unites family and passion

Jenna Goodwin, mommy blogger, with her youngest daughter, Aubrey, 9 months, in the MU on Monday. Goodwin is rated number 1 on Twitter in Ames, with over 2800 followers. She also has a blog called For the Love of Baby! Photo: Laurel Scott/Iowa State Daily

Laurel Scott

Jenna Goodwin, mommy blogger, with her youngest daughter, Aubrey, 9 months, in the MU on Monday. Goodwin is rated number 1 on Twitter in Ames, with over 2800 followers. She also has a blog called For the Love of Baby! Photo: Laurel Scott/Iowa State Daily

Jennifer Dryden —

While sitting in front of her computer or tinkering with her BlackBerry, Ames’ top tweeter, Jenna Goodwin, balances a 9-month-old in one arm and a 2-year-old in the other. A criminal justice textbook sits open on the table, and her BlackBerry buzzes again — it’s a new e-mail alert, a comment on her popular “mommy blog” or a Twitter follower.  

Goodwin, sophomore in criminal justice, mommy blogger and mother of two, has hit 2,866 followers on her MommyJenna Twitter account and is listed as the top tweeter in Ames on Twitter Grader. 

Along with her Twitter ranking, Goodwin writes a blog called “For the Love of Baby” that gets 100 – 300 hits per day.

Social networking, she said, is a way to interact with other moms, provide advice and even get bragging rights on her two daughters: Kelsie, 2, and Aubrey, 9 months. Goodwin started blogging during her first pregnancy, in 2007, using Blogger.

“I got online to figure out about being pregnant, and I ended up finding a group online where we were all due to have our babies in February 2007, so I was on there with them,” she said. “We all decided to start blogs and upload pictures of our babies, and then it turned into [a mommy blog].”

She got advertisers interested in her blog by testing products and writing reviews. Companies like Playskool started sending product pitches in search of an honest consumer review. Goodwin said she receives a free product — Playskool’s Clipo Hippo or baby leg warmers — and she and her daughters test them. 

Although product reviews bring free toys, Goodwin wants people to read her blog for other reasons.

“It’s cool if I get someone [to my blog] with

, but I’d much rather know people are coming and enjoying my other stories, telling them about being a mom and being goofy,” she said.

Blogging, she said, is a full-time job in itself, although it doesn’t bring in much money .

Goodwin is attending a BlogHer conference in Chicago this summer and has received a $200 sponsorship from MomDot, an online community of more than 500 mommy bloggers.

Being a successful blogger means being your true self, updating regularly and sharing what you know, she said. Goodwin said she has a passion for her kids and writing, which is relayed in her blog.

“I don’t put on a front when I’m on Twitter or my blog. I think it’s important to be who you are, and I am unique about things. I show my passion for writing or I’ll tweet while I’m doing an online test… just being fun with it… just being unique and being who you are,” she said.

With Goodwin’s blog centering on her life as a mom, she smiled and looked down at 9-month-old Aubrey to finish her thought. “And I’m sure you helped, because you’re cute,” she said with a laugh.

Goodwin started her Twitter account six months ago. She didn’t know she was Ames’ top tweeter until now. “When I was in labor with [Aubrey]… I was doing a live contest online,” she said. “That’s probably why I stand out: because I do some goofbally things.”

Criminal justice was an outgrowth from Goodwin’s love of children Goodwin said, because she felt the need to protect other peoples’ children. 

“I have children now. I know how it feels to want your children protected, and there are a lot of kids out there who don’t have that person who’s willing to protect them,” she said.

Being a full-time mom, student and blogger, Goodwin said, takes a lot of work, but her motivation always comes back to her daughters.

“I’m blessed that I have two happy little girls. They’re definitely my little angels. It’s cool too, being able to share them with the people who come to my Web site,” she said. “Even when I’m blogging, it’s about them. That’s what comes first to me — being with them, playing with them.”