Reaction from Sen. Harkin and Grassley on Sotomayor nomination

Daily Staff

SEN CHUCK GRASSLEY (R-IA) – “A lifetime appointment requires a thorough vetting, and I expect Judge Sotomayor to receive fair and deliberative consideration.  The United States Senate has a responsibility to carefully review nominees to the Supreme Court.   The Judiciary Committee should take time to ensure that the nominee will be true to the Constitution and apply the law, not personal politics, feelings or preferences.  We need to ask tough questions to learn how this individual views the role of a Supreme Court justice.  The last 25 years of Senate review of nominees has been entirely different than the first 200 years, and today the Senate can’t just be a rubber stamp for President Obama’s nominees.”

Statement from Sen. Grassley’s press office

SEN TOM HARKIN (D-IA) – “Judge Sotomayor is extremely qualified. She has the intellect and experiences necessary to serve on our nation’s highest Court. In addition to her nearly 17 years on the federal bench – having been appointed by both Presidents Bush and Clinton – she has unique life experiences that I believe are critical to ensure that the Court truly embodies the diversity of our country and understands how the law impacts ordinary Americans.

I am confident that Judge Sotomayor will be an important voice on our Court for the rule of law and constitutional rights and values. She will ensure equality and give proper effect to our most important statutes, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act and Civil Rights Act, so our most vulnerable citizens receive the fullest protections of the law.”

Statement from Sen. Harkin’s Web site