Watch the inauguration

Daily Staff

As the country prepares to welcome in a new president Tuesday, various organizations are planning to celebrate this memorable event with parties and other gatherings. A wide variety of groups will be celebrating; and some places on campus will offer coverage of President-elect Barack Obama being sworn in as president, so anyone can partake in this historic day.  

On campus:

Parks Library

When: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Where: Room 192

What:  The library will show coverage of the presidential inauguration from CNN, complete with closed captioning. Room 192 is located next to Bookends Cafe, and the library will have signs in the lobby to point people in the right direction. Kathy Parsons, associate professor and head of the stacks and media department, said this is one of the only celebratory events the library has covered. “We [cover events] that are of national importance,” Parsons said. 

Memorial Union

When: 10 a.m.

Where: Maintenance Shop

What: The M-Shop will be hosting an inauguration day party featuring live coverage of the event. Free refreshments will be served. This event is sponsored by Student Union Board, Speech Communication, Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics, The Committee on Lectures and the political science department. 

Memorial Union

When: 10 a.m.

Where: Multipurpose room

What: The Multicultural Center will be streaming live coverage of the inauguration from CNN.

Off Campus:

Legends American Grill, 119 Stanton Ave.

When: 5:30 p.m.

What: The Story County Democrats, ISU Democrats and Students for Barack Obama will host a celebration of the inauguration with complimentary appetizers. William Marsh, president of the ISU Democrats and graduate student in mechanical engineering,  said he is expecting a “pretty large gathering.”