HAIN: I support… …Barack Obama.

Justine Hain

Over the past eight years the United States has appeared to go downhill from what it once was. We do not need more of the same decision making within our government, which is why I voted for Sen. Barack Obama.

Obama wants to change the current state of our country, and I believe he will accomplish that goal. I favor his idea of gearing the war toward Afghanistan rather than keeping it in Iraq, because the real problem exists there.

Obama wants to increase our security in the chemical plants by creating better security regulations, such as improving barriers and better security and safety training for all employees. He also wants to improve the monitoring of our water system throughout the United States, in order to protect against any potential threat that may arise.

Another important fact that pointed me toward Obama was the recent economic crisis. After news of large economic losses, McCain wanted to suspend his campaign, which appeared as if he was fearful of dealing with the situation at hand. Obama, on the other side, decided to keep his campaign running.

Like Obama’s campaign slogan says, vote for change. We really do not need to see our country remain the same for another four years, and I believe that Obama will bring the change we’ll need to help turn our country around.

— Justine Hain is a freshman in pre-journalism and mass communication from Rochester, Minn.