LEWIS: I support… …none of the above.

Bailey Lewis

McCain? Or Obama? Tough choice. And one I haven’t made yet.

I’m so tired of thinking about it that I could spit on the next person who mentions it to me. It’s like the “South Park” episode where the school has to choose a new mascot, and it comes down to a douche and a turd sandwich. Pick which one offends you least.

Problem is, they both offend and scare me a little.

Sen. Obama and I don’t share a single belief. Sure he’s young and some would say attractive, but somehow that’s not what I want to base my vote on. Also, there are too many questions involving his background, what with his white-hating mentor and the question of where he was born and his lack of experience to make me feel comfortable. I’m sorry, it’s just the truth.

Sen. McCain calls himself conservative, and he will act like one for the remainder of the election. That’s what he needs to do to get votes. Platform-wise, I support his point of view on a lot of topics. But when Democrats compare him to Bush, I’m afraid they might be right. I’m not sure he’s strong enough in his conservatism to stand up to a Democratic Congress.

And Sarah Palin? This election has somehow centered around her. Specifically, how pretty she is. Look, you might think she’s attractive, but if that’s all, that makes her a pageant queen, not a vice president.

Then there’s the fact that, as always, there’s so much mudslinging from both sides that it makes it hard to see the issues at hand. You basically have to do your own research, because the ads sure aren’t going to tell you what the candidates actually stand for.

So I can’t endorse anyone. I don’t feel like I can vote for McCain just because I disagree with Obama. But if I cast my vote for a third party, what good will that do?

When I fill out my ballot tomorrow, who knows what it will say? John McCain, with a grudging heart? Bob Barr, the Libertarian candidate? Chuck Norris? Donald Duck? Panic?

It will be a surprise even to me.

— Bailey Lewis is a senior in English from Indianola