Bailey Lewis

Unlike the presidential candidates, the best candy doesn’t have to be from America. In fact, it’s Swedish. Sweden is home to ABBA, IKEA and a portion of the Arctic Circle. And, of course, fish.

I’m not talking about slippery, scaly, sea-loving creatures. I’m talking chewy, red, sweet Swedish Fish. They’re far superior to any common candy. I mean, just take a look at its platform.

For example, Swedish Fish believes in the right to a full stomach. It’s a friend you can eat. If that’s not loyalty and commitment, I don’t know what is.

Swedish Fish also believes in freedom of expression. You can do whatever with them. Squeeze ‘em. Pull ‘em. Twist ‘em. Bop ‘em. Melt them into sugary Swedish Fish puddles and drink them.

It should be clear by now what you need to do.

Vote Swedish Fish.

For more information, visit www.afriendyoucaneat.com.