LETTER: Democrats can be proud of 2008 campaign

Jan Bauer

Over the years I have had the privilege of working with many different candidates running for office. I have learned one of the best ways to judge a political candidate is by the campaign he or she puts together. Individuals with confidence in themselves and their message run positive campaigns based on issues and their vision for the future. Those who resort to false accusations and smear tactics reveal more about themselves than those they accuse.

As chairperson of the Story County Democratic Party, I am extremely proud of all of our candidates and the way they have conducted themselves — from Barack Obama and Joe Biden at the top of the ticket to Tom Harkin and Becky Greenwald, to Lisa Heddens, Beth Wessel-Kroeschell and Susan Radke to Wayne Clinton and Paul Fitzgerald. If ever there was a year to send a message to those promoting divisiveness, it is this year. Vote a straight Democratic ticket to make the message loud and clear.

Jan Bauer


Story County Democratic Party