Meeting held discussing Willow incident

Kyle Ferguson

On Monday night, residents of Willow Hall met to discuss the incident on March 16 that triggered a campus-wide ISU Alert.

“The students have questions, and they should have a venue where they can talk about what happened,” said Ginny Arthur, associate director of residence life. “We are going to run through the events that happened and talk about the alert system and the importance of community safety.”

At the beginning of the meeting, anyone who did not live at Willow Hall was asked to leave. The media was also asked to leave, when one person said he was uncomfortable with the presence of the media.

“Since Iowa State is not a governmental body, and this meeting is only for a specific audience, this is not considered an open meeting by Iowa law,” said Annette Hacker, director of news service. “If the residents were fine with media being there, reporters could stay, but they weren’t.”