Black History Month activities

Thomas Grundmeier

The dawn of a new February brings with it the dawn of Black History Month. All month long, the ISU campus will join with the rest of the country in recognizing and celebrating the history of black Americans.

The Black Student Alliance is involved in hosting and sponsoring a number of activities this month.

The first of the month kicks off with a unified march from Carver Hall to Parks Library.

Every Monday, expect to see lots of fliers accross campus featuring prominent black American leaders, authors and inventors.

Every Wednesday, there will be a movie screened in Carver Hall, including two Spike Lee films, “School Daze” and “Get on the Bus.”

Other events include a panel discussion exploring the climate on campus for students and faculty of color, a lecture by NPR journalist Farai Chideya, and a soul food meal bringing together African students and African-American students.