‘Just Friends’ Friends

Benjamin Day

Maybe you don’t have a special someone to share Valentine’s Day with. You’re not the only one, but what about those who have that “just friends” friend? Should you buy them a gift? Will that make things awkward? Will he or she think you’re implying things that you really aren’t? Valentine’s Day is for all kinds of love and friendship counts in that as well. There are tons of gifts you can still give and play it off smooth. Here are some ideas.

1. Bake some homemade cookies. They’re easy to make and a lot of people love cookies. Just avoid those heart shaped cut-out ones; those may give the wrong impression.

2. Gift cards in small amounts – they can always be a random surprise for a friend. Keep it in the $5-10 range and you’ll be set.

3. There’s always the classic store-bought Valentine’s Day cards you gave out in elementary school. Tape a piece of candy to it, write something fun – just make it seem like you gave them out to everyone, even if you didn’t.

These are just some simple ideas. These will get your ideas flowing, and you may even be able to fine-tune some of them to specific friends you have in mind. You may regret not giving your friend a gift on Valentine’s Day. Besides, friends deserve some love, too.