SUV apartments remodeled

Catherine Thomas

Every year, some of the Schilletter/University Village apartments are remodeled and renovated in order to maintain a suitable living condition to meet the standard of today’s living.

In an effort to keep the apartments in good condition, the department of residence has established an ongoing life-circle process, which would allow them to address certain apartments’ issues each year.

Most recently, several apartments in University Village have been remodeled from the inside out, said Lisa Ludovico, program coordinator for the residence halls.

“We are looking at replacing roofs and windows on some of the University Village apartments, which is a project we have started a few years ago, and we are continuing with it this year,” she said. “I also know that in Schilletter Village, we are working on replacing some of the sidings on the exterior of the building.”

The department of residence is also doing aesthetic updating in the interior of the apartments, bringing them to today’s style of living, Ludovico said.

“As you can imagine, SUV was built several years ago,” she said. “The style and decor of that time obviously don’t match the styles and decor now, and so every so often, we go in, put in new countertops, new floors and new appliances to bring the apartments up to a more relevant time frame.”

The department of residence is paying the remodeling cost through its reinvestment, said Luann Huss, program coordinator of the residence halls and senior in accounting.

“We are looking at $50,000 per building – that includes renovating both exteriors and interiors,” she said.

The cost of rent per apartment is still the same despite remodeling, Ludovico said.

“We actually have not raised rent in SUV area in about three years, which also helps us to better compete with apartment owners around the area,” she said.

Ludovico said they are very happy with the growth of the community and the improvement of the apartments.

“We are very excited to see increased interest in the area because it really does make the community a more vibrant place to live,” Ludovico said.