Romney derides ‘Clinton health care v2.0’

Associated Press

ANAMOSA &#8212 Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney on Saturday criticized Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton’s health care proposal even before she released it, calling it “Hillary Clinton care version 2.0.”

Speaking to more than 160 people at a local Republican fundraiser in Anamosa, the former Massachusetts governor said he didn’t expect anything new from Clinton.

“She says what we need to do is have the government take over health care,” Romney said. “The last thing we need is Hillary care. The last thing we need is socialized medicine.

He said Clinton will present a plan the federal government will impose on the states.

“That’s the wrong answer,” Romney said.

Romney also predicted Clinton’s plan would pump more federal dollars into the system.

“She’ll have health care run by Washington,” he said. “I don’t want to have the people who did the Katrina cleanup taking care of my health care.”

Mark Daley, a Clinton spokesman, fired back at Romney.

“Considering Gov. Romney’s penchant for flip-flopping, he will be the first to endorse it on Monday,” Daley said.

Romney also called on Democrats to condemn a newspaper advertisement by the group

The ad charged Iraq war commander Gen. David Petraeus with “cooking the books” on the Iraq war.

“They should totally be distancing themselves from,” Romney said.

Earlier in the day, Romney hosted a tailgate party in Ames before the Iowa State-Iowa football game.

He shook hands, signed field passes and ball caps and took questions about issues, such as obesity, energy, education and the war in Iraq.

While he gave his usual answers, there was one question where Romney stayed neutral: Who did he want to win the game? Iowa or Iowa State?

“I’m for both teams,” he said to a crowd wearing both logos.