Brownback desires restoration of family values

Thomas Grundmeier

When Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kan., visited Iowa’s famous Field of Dreams in Dyersville on Aug. 10, he had a revelation.

“I have a dream: That the son of a Kansas farmer become president of the United States,” he said Aug. 11 during his speech at the Iowa Straw Poll.

Brownback made it known early that conservative principles were at the heart of his campaign.

“We must rebuild our families, we must rebuild our culture and we must revive our economy,” he said.

Brownback described his anti-abortion stance as a “pro-life, whole life” perspective.

“Forty-five million children killed since Roe v. Wade is a sin not worthy of this great land,” he said.

Brownback said he is pro-growth, primarily for the expansion of the economy and improvement in Social Security and health care.

He said he is in favor of having a regular commission report periodically on wasteful government spending, then having the House and Senate vote on whether to keep programs which were deemed wasteful by the commission.

The Kansas senator was in the minority at the Straw Poll as one of the few GOP candidates not supporting the FairTax plan, which would eliminate income tax in favor of a national sales tax.

Brownback said he was instead in favor of a flat tax program, which would give Americans options on how to pay taxes.

Brownback closed with a plea for strong families in the United States.

“The best place to raise a family is between a mom and a dad bonded together for life,” Brownback said.

“We know this in all our social data, but we also know this in our hearts.”

Strengthening families will assist in improving all areas of American life, Brownback said.

“Strengthening families is the best way to reduce poverty in America, reduce crime in America and improve education in America,” he said.