Behind the extra pounds

Jenn Hanson

The student body is getting bigger.

Nationally, 60 percent of Americans are clinically overweight or obese – and this doesn’t exclude students.

According to the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, the collegiate rate of obesity has doubled in just 10 years.

But not all hope is lost. Iowa State is trying to revamp its food selection and educate students about health issues.

The hard part is getting students to care.

Judith Trumpy, registered dietitian at Thielen Student Health Center, said she works closely with the dining department to do just that.

Trumpy said students’ poor eating habits are formed by a variety of factors. The most prevalent, she said, is ignorance to the problems that are caused by those habits.

“It’s that immortality. They’re not worried about it,” she said. “It’s not [that] they’re not hearing things.”

Trumpy said the nutrition staff needs to keep putting out the message.

“Still, the number one items are usually the fried items,” she said. “The corn dogs, the pizza, hamburgers, chicken nuggets.”

Iowa State is doing some research of its own.

Ross O’Hara, graduate student in psychology, is currently analyzing data from a worldwide study of high school students and their perceptions of healthy eating under the supervision of Frederick Gibbons, distinguished professor of psychology.

The study also looked at social eating behaviors.

“Unfortunately, the results aren’t panning out too much,” O’Hara said of the status of the research.

Students seeking help with their eating habits are encouraged to see Trumpy, who provides free nutrition counseling through the Student Health Center.

“The most difficult part of this job is to change behavior,” she said.

The program starts slowly, with small steps toward better health. She said she uses a “non-diet” approach, and encourages setting short-term goals such as eating breakfast, more fruits and vegetables, and mastering “mindful eating practices.”

Students generally should not diet in the stressful college atmosphere, Trumpy said.

“Many times it’ll reset your metabolism,” she said.

Trumpy said the biggest risk for students is their family history.

“Students need to look at their families – parents, older brothers or sisters – and see if they’re struggling with any one disease,” she said.

Personalized eating and exercising programs may be on the horizon, but for now, Trumpy said, there isn’t time for every student.

She does, however, provide ample literature on Thielen’s Web site and in hard copy.

The brochures on Trumpy’s desk, titled “Eating Well with No Time and No Money,” offer simple ways for students to get the most convenient and nutritional bang for their buck; something C-Stores and vending machines just can’t offer.

It’s main message: Pack your own lunch and shop smart.

There is also a calendar system online at for students to map out exactly what they eat.

The mapping, Trumpy said, helps keep students accountable for how they exercise and what they eat.