Greek councils take regional honors

Josh Hillman

The ISU Collegiate Panhellenic Council and Intrafraternity Council both brought home top awards from the 2007 Mid-American Greek Council Association’s annual conference, which took place from Feb. 22 to 25 in Chicago.

Several executive officers from both groups attended the conference, where the CPC won the Sutherland Award and the IFC won the Jellison Award. The awards are given for excellence in policies, activities and plans of action throughout the course of the past year, according to the association’s Web site,

The submissions consist of binders that cover every aspect of the councils’ duties, including things such as strategic plans and guidelines on judicial affairs and risk management, said Vance Watts, IFC vice president of public relations and sophomore in pre-journalism and mass communication.

Director of Greek Affairs Jenn Plagman-Galvin said the awards were significant honors for the councils.

“I’m proud of them because they don’t do things to win the awards, but the awards are benchmarks of the quality of the work they do,” Plagman-Galvin said.

She said Iowa State files its application in the largest division of the largest of the Mid-American Greek Council Association’s four regions, adding to the awards’ prestige.

The finished application, which consists of several large binders full of material, provides a historical perspective of the year, Plagman-Galvin said.

“It’s just a really good footprint for the next group,” she said. “If we have a question of what we did in previous years, we will refer to the binders for answers.”

The awards were given at the association’s annual conference, which was a valuable experience, said Watts, who took up his position at the beginning of the semester.

“Being the newest members of IFC, to interact with that many other members, it gets us fired up to do our jobs and gets us ready to improve,” Watts said.