Faculty Senate hears pitch from candidates

Shelly Leonard

The budget model, a student presentation regarding Veishea and a new president-elect were the items that sparked the most discussion at Tuesday’s Faculty Senate meeting.

The meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m. The first major topic of discussion was the election of a new president-elect.

Clark Ford, associate professor of food science and human nutrition, and Carolyn Heising, professor of industrial and manufacturing systems engineering, both gave a presentation concerning their backgrounds as well as goals and visions if elected.

“I’d like to focus on three areas if elected to Faculty Senate,” Ford said. “First, [I want to] continue to work on building Faculty Senate’s powerful voice. Second, I want to continue working on the review and reform of policies across the university and third, I want to make sure that if the new budget model is approved, the process of transition and implementation of the new budget is thoroughly overseen by the faculty.”

Ford was chosen as the next president-elect of the senate.

The senate also listened to a presentation by Veishea Campus Relations Coordinators Gina Flinn and Ingrid Idso, regarding the participation of students and faculty in this year’s Veishea celebration.

“What we’re asking of you is to help us find a way to connect all of the students on campus and off campus,” said Idso, sophomore in pre-business. “On-campus students are easier to get a hold of, but we’re trying to get more of the off-campus students involved.”

Idso said another emphasis they are focusing on is parades for each college department because it gives Veishea more of a home feel.

Lastly, the senate discussed the resolution of the budget model. After comments and concerns from some senators, the resolution passed in a 37 to 16 vote with only one abstention.

Essentially, this means the senate endorses the proposed budget model and will present it to ISU President Gregory Geoffroy.

The next Faculty Senate meeting will be at 3:30 p.m. on Feb. 13.