Phone center reaches goal of $1.5 million

Shelly Leonard

Student employees at Iowa State have a reason to be proud this month, as they’ve reached an unprecedented goal in fundraising.

Employees at the ISU Foundation Phone Center reached $1.5 million in fundraising last week, which has already surpassed the amount raised by December 31 of last year.

“It means so much to me to see our program reaching, setting and breaking goals,” said Ashlee Kvidera, senior in marketing and senior program assistant at the phone center.

Senior program assistants are responsible for managing student callers and other student managers, helping with recruitment, coaching and writing scripts that callers use.

The phone center, which employs approximately 100 students, raises money for scholarships, study abroad opportunities, enhancing faculty and staff programs, building renovations and much more.

It also raises money for a general university fund, which is spent at the discretion of the dean, said Andrew Harrison, assistant director of development at the ISU Foundation.

Callers at the phone center are responsible for calling alumni, parents and friends of Iowa State, updating their records for the university and getting them to make pledges.

“The caller works with alumni to find an amount matching the alumni’s wishes with the needs of the university,” Kvidera said. “This is what our callers get recognized for most often. We have some people at the phone center that have raised over $300,000 for the university.”

The $1.5 million mark is an important accomplishment for all those involved at the phone center.

“It means a lot to me, not just in terms of my own personal pride in seeing them reach that goal, but also what they do for the school,” Harrison said. “It’s a substantial amount of money that makes a difference. That’s something that’s near and dear to my heart.”

Another thing you’ll find in common among all employees is their love for Iowa State.

“The callers we have in the phone center have a passion for ISU,” Kvidera said.

They work hard to convince alumni to make donations to Iowa State and, sometimes, convince students as well.

“Giving to the university right now might not seem like a priority, or even affordable,” Kvidera said. “Once you graduate, a gift is very affordable and goes a long way toward helping students.”

Kvidera said everyone that cares about Iowa State should consider donating.

“Giving to ISU is a way to impact the lives of every student who is trying to earn a valuable education,” she said. “By giving back to ISU, you can invest in the university, its students and the future.”