Faculty Senate will discuss tracking, additional undergraduate certificate

Ross Ladue

The Faculty Senate may decide not to track students with unmet high school requirements.

On Tuesday night, the senate will discuss three new proposals, one of which is about how the university tracks students with unmet high school requirements.

When students enter the university with unmet requirements, the university tracks them to make sure they’re taking the right courses. The university wants to change this by getting rid of this tracking altogether.

Ninety-eight percent of the incoming freshman already meet all of the requirements, making tracking unnecessary. Also, the university doesn’t track any junior college transfers who also might not have met high school requirements.

Also on the agenda for Tuesday night is a request to change the name of Health and Human Performance to the Department of Kinesiology. Kinesiology is defined as the study of human movement and physical activity.

The department’s name change request has occurred partly because the National Research Council has just now included kinesiology as a discipline in “Life Sciences.” Also, in a recently reported ranking of doctoral programs in kinesiology, out of the top 20, Iowa State was one of five universities that did not use the name kinesiology.

The third of the proposals is introducing an undergraduate certificate in Latin American studies.

None of the proposals will be initiated or voted upon Tuesday night. After discussion, a vote will take place at the next senate meeting.

The senate needs to have time to get enough information so members can make informed decisions, said Sedahlia Crase, president-elect of the Faculty Senate.