New proposals reach Faculty Senate

Ross Ladue

Three new proposals brought to the Faculty Senate were discussed Tuesday.

The addition to an undergraduate certificate in Latin American Studies raised the debate as to whether students should be required to travel abroad.The purpose of this is to help make the certificate stronger and give students a better edge when looking for jobs.

Members of the Senate were against this requirement because some students might not be able to travel abroad.

The other widely discussed topic was the proposal to stop tracking students with unmet high school requirements.

Some of the faculty voiced their concerns that this could possibly hurt the credibility of college degrees.

However, this would not change the admission and graduation requirements.

Most students that come in with unmet requirements fulfill these requirements by the time they graduate with their general education classes.

The last proposal discussed was the request to change the name of the Department of Health and Human Performance to the Department of Kinesiology.

The Senate passed a motion to send a review of this request to the Academic Affairs Council.

The AAC will then send its review and recommendation back to the Senate.

The Senate will then vote on its recommendation for the name change.

The Board of Regents must approve the change before it can go into effect.