Latham speaks about concern for education

Julie Young

ISU alumnus Rep. Tom Latham, of Iowa’s 4th District, spoke to a crowd of nearly 40 people Wednesday in the Memorial Union.

Latham discussed a variety of issues including renewable energy, technology, the war in Iraq and student expenses.

“It’s important that people know the points and values of the politicians so they don’t just vote for the party,” said Chase Clemens, freshman in liberal arts and sciences-open option, who attended the lecture.

Latham emphasized his concern about rising education costs.

“We have expanded the availability of loan dollars while cutting costs to student borrowers,” Latham said.

“There also has been an increase in available Pell grants.”

When asked about the gubernatorial issue of tuition capping, Latham said, “It sounds good to me,” but labeled it a state issue.

Greta Johnson, freshman in political science, said this was her second time hearing Latham speak, the first being at a recent ISU College Republicans banquet.

“It’s extremely important that we, as students, know where our politicians stand on the issues,” she said.

Latham emphasized the importance of political involvement for all students, regardless of political affiliation.

“Politics is not a dirty word,” Latham said. “Each and every one of you, no matter which party you are associated with, need to be involved in the [political] process.”

In representing the 4th District, Latham must cover an area spanning from Warren County, in south central Iowa, to the border of Minnesota.

“It’s a challenge to represent such a large district, but it’s fun because we have such great people in this state,” Latham said.

Latham said Iowa has many opportunities for growth and discussed the state’s importance on a national scale.

“Here in Iowa, we have the greatest chance for growth, especially in renewable energy,” Latham said.

He mentioned ethanol, soy diesel and wind power as key assets.

“We see tremendous technological advances going on here in Ames,” Latham said, discussing the recent development of solar panels for Army tents.

Internationally, Latham discussed the need for countries to work together and encourage an end to nuclear testing in North Korea. He also reiterated a support for the war on terror in Iraq.

“Despite the media’s coverage, the fact of the matter is we are winning,” Latham said.

Latham is running for re-election in the 4th District and is opposed by Democrat Selden Spencer of Huxley.