Faculty senate will discuss, vote on new budget model

Ross Ladue

The proposed new ISU budget model will be presented to the Faculty Senate on Tuesday evening.

Under the current budget model, tuition revenues go into a fund which is then distributed throughout the university. The new model distributes the money according the number of undergraduate credit hours each college offers. When a student takes classes in the College of Engineering, a portion of his or her tuition will go back to the College of Engineering.

The Senate, which is a representative body of 82 senators who are elected by the General Faculty, will present and discuss the new model. The Senate will eventually vote on whether to implement the new model.

Tuesday’s meeting will help inform the Senate about the new model and also offer the opportunity for the senators to fine tune the model before they vote on it, which will be later this academic year.

“A lot of the faculty don’t know much about the budget model at all,” said Sedahlia Crase, Faculty Senate president-elect and professor in human development and family studies. “We will eventually have to vote on it, so this is the time for us to be educated on it.”

The Senate will be able to send back its recommendations for changes to the budget committee.

“This is going to impact everyone of us, so it’s important that [the budget committee] has plenty of time for them,” Crase said.

The meeting will be at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday in 305 Carver Hall.