ISU Weight Club offers lifting experience for all

Robert Fetters

It’s fitting.

The ISU Weight Club is one of many clubs on campus offering opportunities for students to get physically fit. People throughout the community, even those who aren’t associated with Iowa State, have joined.

Dues are $25 each semester, and although it is possible to lift weights for free, membership has its benefits.

Clint Crill, weight-club member and senior in horticulture, said the environment is unique.

“It can be for the serious lifter, but also for the average Joe,” he said. “It’s a relaxed setting. Also, it’s never overcrowded.”

Not to mention its health benefits.

“When you lift it makes your brain release endorphins,” said Zebblin Sullivan, weight club president and graduate student in health and human performance, referring to the brain chemical that causes the feelings of pleasure and happiness.

Members of the club said they are always excited to see new faces.

“It’s an excellent opportunity to learn and hone your skills,” Crill said. “You can stop by and not feel embarrassed. We have all sorts of people here.”

Although there aren’t regular meetings, the club generally has two to three meetings a semester in 105 Beyer Hall. In addition to the membership fee, members must be at least 18 years old. There is no set of guidelines for the club, but Sullivan and Crill said they have concerns with new lifters and their lack of caution when it comes to form.

“If you drop a bench press bar on your chest, that isn’t correct form,” Sullivan said. “Beware of too much weight – you don’t gain anything if you get injured.”

For those who are worried about injury, the weight club has a number of experienced lifters, some of whom have competed in national power lifting competitions.

With a “no steroids” policy, it may be hard to bulk up into Barry Bonds, but some club members have lived up to similar hype and strength. The club has graduated two “Mr. Iowa”s since the club was formed.

Sullivan has topped two American power-lifting records and is a three-time Most Valuable Lifter at Veishea.

Sullivan said his most important advice for new lifters is to stick with it.

“There won’t be any significant gains in a week,” he said. “You won’t see changes in one lifting session, but they will come. Also, ask questions, we have lots of lifters that are more than willing to help.”

Workouts are held in 208 Beyer Hall.