Party response team ready for weekend

Erin Magnani

Ames businesses and law enforcement officials are preparing for a busy weekend, although the outlook appears to be calm.

Rich Parizek, manager of the Keg Shop, 218 Welch Ave., said although he did not know what to expect for this weekend — which was the scheduled date for this year’s Veishea — he did order extra kegs in case the business sees increased demand.

“I expect it to be a little busier, but nothing spectacular,” Parizek said. “It has been a normal week so far. But students seem to wait until the last second to start parties or plans.”

Kathy Abbott, manager of Hy-Vee Wine & Spirits, 3615 Lincoln Way, said she did not think it would be busy and has not ordered anything differently than usual.

Despite the appearance of a normal weekend, Ames Police are ready in case block parties or house parties get out of control, as one did on Hunt Street last April.

The Ames Police have incorporated a party response team to deal with parties for the month of April.

The party response team consists of one sergeant and four officers who are scheduled to patrol Friday and Saturday nights, said Ames Police Cmdr. Randy Kessel.

“April is when the party season peaks in the spring,” Kessel said. “It’s proactive enforcement. It helps open the lines of communication.”

Neighborhood groups throughout Ames have indicated they want more police interaction, Kessel said. He said the police want to assist property owners and renters, but they also want students to be able to have fun legally.

“We will only show up to a party if we have a complaint,” Kessel said.

“We just want to make sure it doesn’t get to a point where the party violates the nuisance ordinance, like underage drinking, property damage, garbage in the front yard or vandalism.”