Task force to prepare final report for Geoffroy

Jessica Anderson

The Veishea task force will meet Thursday to tweak its final report, which will be submitted in less than two weeks to ISU President Gregory Geoffroy, Government of the Student Body President Sophia Magill and Ames Mayor Ted Tedesco.

Dean of Students Pete Englin said the Veishea Task Force on Assuring Successful Veishea and Other Student/Community Celebrations will discuss the recommendations that were not discussed at last month’s meeting and will then review the final task force report. The final report will be endorsed by the full task force before it is approved and sent on.

“We’re going to be reviewing it and conversing about any changes that need to be made,” Englin said. “We’re going back through the full document and making any final revisions.”

Magill said she is interested in how the final recommendations will be implemented.

“Tomorrow is just going to be to get to that consensus that the final recommendations will minimize future riots,” Magill said. “I think we’re really just going to have to be creative and make sure that these ideas are really going to be something positive and something that’s actually going to change something.”

She said the main point of Thursday’s meeting will be completing the final report, not so much addressing new recommendations.

“We just need to decide what is going to be best for Iowa State and the Ames community,” Magill said. “We need more clarification. We need to decide how we’re going to present it. But I’m sure if we see something, a strong viewpoint, there’s always the opportunity to change.”

Magill said while the students on the task force have been diligent, she is concerned that few students are showing up to voice their opinions at the meetings.

“I would like to see a little more turnout,” Magill said.

The task force was formed following the April 18 riot in Campustown to examine the disturbance and what should happen with the future of the Veishea celebration, which Geoffroy suspended for 2005 after the riot.

The task force will meet from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday in the Great Hall of the Memorial Union.