Latham travels to Ames seeking re-election votes

Jared Strong

In an effort to hit every Iowa county in the 4th Congressional District during the week before the election, U.S. Rep. Tom Latham will be in Ames on Thursday to gain support for his re-election campaign.

“It’s a way for the congressman to remind people to keep working and get out and vote on Tuesday,” said James Carstensen, communications director for Latham, a Republican. “Most importantly, it’s a way to thank the people who have been helping in this re-election campaign.”

Latham will hold a town hall meeting at 11 a.m. at the Ames Public Library, 515 Douglas Ave., where he will discuss the economy, health care and homeland security for his constituents. Carstensen said Latham will then answer questions from the audience before leaving for a noon rally at the Dutch Oven Bakery, 219 Duff Ave.

Diana Glidden, co-owner of Dutch Oven Bakery, said she was contacted about a month ago by Latham’s campaign to host the event. The family-owned and operated bakery will have extra employees on hand to cater to Latham’s supporters.

“It’s just a great lunch here open to the public,” Glidden said.

After the rally in Ames, Latham will be traveling 15 miles west to the Boone Dutch Oven Bakery to discuss issues with locals.

“We’ve had people do rallies here periodically,” said Terri Van Hemert, co-owner of the Boone store. “We had [Gov. Tom] Vilsack one year.”

Van Hemert said this will be Latham’s first appearance.

“He’s just coming in and doing something like an open house,” Van Hemert said. “This is a meeting place for coffee drinkers in the afternoon. It’s a gathering place, which is probably why they contacted us.”

Van Hemert said her store can accommodate 40 to 50 people and she expects about that number to show up for the event.

The stops in Ames and Boone are part of Latham’s five-day Victory Express tour, which is passing through all 28 Iowa counties in the 4th Congressional District this week.

Carstensen said Latham has the psychological stamina to visit a large number of places in a relatively short amount of time because he has actively sought the opinions of Iowans while in office.

“He is very accessible and interactive with his constituents,” Carstensen said.

“This is one thing he is very well known for.”

Latham has been in office since 1995.

Because of redistricting, this is Latham’s first term serving as a representative for the 4th district.

The Victory Express tour concludes Friday in Ames at the Latham for Congress headquarters.

“The turnout has been great,” Carstensen said. “We’ve had very enthusiastic and supportive crowds.”